HAPPY NEW YEAR! was an exciting year for the Fed and there were some major changes to our mission. We have come very far in the short time we’ve been an organization. Overall, I can say [...]
has been a great year for us here at the FED. It’s brought with it many successful events as well as a few big changes. Over the next few weeks we’ll be writing about some of these [...]
[doptg id=”2″] ast week, we learned about how records came to be and who created the mixer and why it was created. This week, I would like to explore the history of cassette tapes, [...]
ur first art show was a success! I am always amazed at the amount of talent that our community possesses. Weather it’s art, dance, music or anything else Hip Hop, it is always great to [...]
ast week, I was able to learn a little history about a few of our featured artists who are joining us for They Reminisce; Art Show ; Chris, Kaleena, Natalie and DJ Chu. This week I was able to [...]
e are getting close to the opening night They Reminisce | A Hip Hop Art Show. As we approach, I wanted to get to know the artists a bit better. Here is just a brief description of a few of our [...]
This blog is my recap of the Fed’s experience at the 2014 spring Comic Con. We had a booth there all 3 days and an evening performance each night. 2 of our kids, Ben and Alonzo, worked the booth [...]