Vegas Shakedown 12 Part 1:

VSD 12

Vegas Shakedown 12 Part 1:

On July 8, 2011 The BBoy Federation took its first ever “field trip” to an event.  We wanted to take some of the New Gen kids to their first out-of-state event and Shakedown was the perfect opportunity.  Easier said than done though.

The FED put together 2 teams, heavyweight & lightweight, to compete at shakedown.  Local crew Fundamentals also came on the trip with us.  While it’s good experience for the New Gen’s, the trip was also a way for the FED to build a better relationship with the parents of the kids in the scene.  Anyone 18 and under was required to fill out a permission slip to attend the trip.  This way the parents knew when and where we were going.  Utah has a lot of talent and we want to be able to goto more events like this so having the parents trust us is a must.

2 Minivans, 2 cars and a 2 hour delay later, we were on the road.  We arrived in Vegas Friday night and went immediately to the pre-part at Tunay.  We chilled at the pre-party and stretched our legs from the drive.  Battle Born won in the finals.  Congrats to Roland &  Prodigy on the win .  After the battle it was straight to the Tuscany hotel for some food and rest.

Shakedown – House ,Popping & Top Rock

Vegas Shakedown hosts several events, among them a House and a Popping battle.  We started off our Shakedown day with the House battle.  Entries from Utah, Nevada, California, New York and Japan were all after the Shakedown title.  Music was provided by DJ Soulrane (LV).  Freak (NV), Micah (UT) and River Darkly (NV) judged.  Utah’s own Chris (Chacho) Valdez made it to the finals.  A 3-way final against Dan Kato and Kaori from House Dance Project in NYC.  Congratulations to Dan Kato for taking the finals!

Next up was the Popping battle.   Stingrey (RSK), Big Hearbreak (Soul Steppas) & Popping John (SBK) judged.  Tyson (Nosy-T) Smalls and Micah (Lil Heartbreak) Clark entered from Utah.  Micah made it all the way to the finals but lost to Skitzo.  I thought this was a really close battle but the music catered more to Sktizo’s style.

This was the first time Vegas Shakedown had done a Toprock competition. Freak (NV), BZB (NV) & Nonski (NV) judged. There were over 40 people who entered, about 10 of us from Utah.  Myself and Chris (Monkee) Owens made top 16.  I lost to Mr. Freeze in the Top 16 but Monkee would go on to the finals.  Due to time the finals were a 4 way featuring Monkee, Stuntman, Eddie Styles and Rufio.  Congrats go to Stuntman for the win.  I thought this was a great addition to Shakedown and I hope they continue to do this in the future.

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BBoy Federation Shakedown Trip